Senior Portrait Session- Grand Rapids, MI- Sarah

Grand Rapids, MI

Yeah, Sarah!!! This lady was so, so cool. I mean, the most laid back cool you would ever want to know... She is going to do amazing things. I know it. 

We trucked around Millenium Park at golden sunset hour. I just couldn't get enough of her smiles.

Did you see her sister's senior session? What a cool family. You can check out Megan's session here:

Thank you so much for letting me capture this moment in your life! Enjoy the preview...

Happy Fall! Lukey and Joshy

Livonia, MI

My nephews!!! Love these two so, so much! They had fun with "Aunt Boo", Grandma, and Grandpa. I had to share! Yes, I am "Aunt Boo"-- Luke started that when he was first talking because of the little game we would play. It stuck and I love it.