Christmas Photos in Grand Rapids, Michigan

Outside Coffee Company
Grand Rapids, MI

What a fun Christmas session with the adorable Kwaiser family!! We went downtown to the Outside Coffee Company, with igloos and warm treats, and then headed home to make cookies. The documentary cookie-making will be such a treasure for Ruby when she grows up. Who wouldn’t want those photos with your parents? The funnies, the mess.. Christmas memories at its best. How cute are these guys?

Ruby wins for the best photo of anticipation for Christmas. She was clapping and singing with us on the street with the lights all around her. Such pure childhood joy and innocence.
Let your heart be light!
Merry Christmas!!

Documentary Family Photo - Skating, Tap, Laundry time, Bday party

A Day in the Life. Documentary family photography Michigan. Natural and Candid.

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Day in the Life- Please Read!- Bozaan Fam

"A Day in the Life" - Family Documentary Storytelling
Farmington Hills, MI

This is an ordinary weekend for these guys, with hockey in there somewhere. 

I want to point out a couple things that are important. 

In the series of photos underneath the table--- Maria (3yrs old) just hit her brother. Joshie cried and was consoled by mom. Whenever Maria gets reprimanded for bad behavior, she pouts and broods under the table for a bit. 5 minutes later, Joshie crawls in to comfort his sister, who just hurt him. He even holds her hand when she sticks her tongue out at him. 
Awwwww. What amazing qualities! Quick to forgive, compassion, and love! They came out together smiling. I wish more adults had emotional intelligence like these kids!!

This is documentary family photography. It says a lot more than if these two were just smiling at the camera. Just sayin'.

I hope Maria looks at these photos when she is an adult and going through hard times. She'll remember that her big bro will always be there for her and she is loved. 

The second thing-- If you are having a hard time proving to your hubs that documentary family photography should be a priority, show him the sports photos. At the kids' skating/hockey practice, I was shooting dad passing down knowledge to his son, and mom and dad being the biggest fans ever, etc., when I was told by so many dads, "What you're doing is really cool".  (Think about Father's Day gifts!) This is a special bond. Sports are a big deal. It will be wonderful for the kids to have these photos as adults, showing that bond, the sacrifices parents make, the support, and the parents acting like kids, getting so excited for their little buggers!! 

You can also see soccer photos and T-ball photos from these fellas in my blog posts.

Day in the Life! No posing. Real and true personalities.
Messy house, messy people, beautiful life!