Senior Portrait Session- Grand Rapids, MI- Sarah

Grand Rapids, MI

Yeah, Sarah!!! This lady was so, so cool. I mean, the most laid back cool you would ever want to know... She is going to do amazing things. I know it. 

We trucked around Millenium Park at golden sunset hour. I just couldn't get enough of her smiles.

Did you see her sister's senior session? What a cool family. You can check out Megan's session here:

Thank you so much for letting me capture this moment in your life! Enjoy the preview...

Senior Portraits Grand Rapids

Senior portraits- Grand Rapids, MI- Megan

Grand Rapids, MI
Robinette’s Orchard

Congratulations to Megan on her senior year! This lady is so sweet and was so much fun to work with! We paid for a photo voucher and hung out at Robinette's Orchard, which was so cool!! I would love to go back there without my equipment and just enjoy the fall. Maybe jump on that trampoline thing? How cool is that?

Megan aims to enter the culinary world and is interested in photography, which is just another reason why I like this lady.

Good luck and have so much fun this year!

Enjoy the samples...