Blue Dress Barn Wedding, Rebecca and Jessica Roost

Blue Dress Barn, my new favorite venue! Benton Harbor, MI

Congratulations Mrs. and Mrs. Roost!! Whooo hoooo!! I have been so excited for this wedding. I have known Rebecca for years and I am so ecstatic that these two found each other. These two just fit and make sense. Both Jessica and Rebecca are completely out-of-this-world-gorgeous, both inside and out. They make your day better by just being around. Both personalities bring light to the room.

Rebecca proposed to Jess while picking apples at a local orchard. These two are so so fun. Lots of giggling. The Roosts had moved away to New York and lived out there for a bit, but a whole lot of people are glad they made the move back to Grand Rapids (including me!).  They have a huge circle of close friends and family. Amazing people, seriously. Dan, a good friend of the girls, made his debut as Dan the DJ/MC. How fun was that?!! He did a fabulous job and kept everyone dancing all night.

I had so many favorite parts of the day! One was the getting ready part. The room was divided by a sheet and the girls were not to see each other. Twenty people getting ready in one little divided room- super fun. Everyone was so excited! Another was how the sun rays kept falling right on the two of them during the ceremony, giving me goosebumps! Also, right after the ceremony, the entire bridal party ran to the bridal suite and we could hear them all jumping up and down and screaming. It was such a cool finish to the beautiful ceremony and a fun sign that the party was about to begin.

I am so honored that I was chosen to document their big day, and I am always honored to be called their friend!! Thank you, ladies. You're the best.

Enjoy the sneak peek!

Thank you to my second photographer, Lauren Nicole!!

Rainy Day/ArtPrize in Grand Rapids

A day off in GR-- I love shooting on rainy days. It just so happened that I had time to stroll GR during ArtPrize. Yes, I love this city. There are way too many pieces in ArtPrize to mention that were so inspirational, intelligent, and insightful. I was rooting for the installation by Maximo Gonzalez, "Tengo Hambre".  There were so many more sides to that piece that were not stated, nor shared. I loved that piece.

Anyway, here's some fun I had in the rain:

Family Session- Introducing Lucy Zick

Grand Rapids, MI Lifestyle/Family

I LOVE LOVE LOVE when I get an email from Maggie. I have had the pleasure of photographing Maggie and Dave's wedding and many family sessions throughout the years!  This family is so, so cool. And now, they are introducing their newest little bundle, Lucy! She has curly dark hair, big dark eyes, and a dimple chin. She was awesome and slept the entire shoot. Charlotte and Stella are going to be great big sisters. They are such a beautiful family. I am so happy that I get to document these adventures.

This one was just a comfy Sunday, hanging out at home.

Enjoy the preview: