Heritage Park--Taylor, MI  

Who loves documenting families throughout the years and following them in their new adventures? This gal. I was happy to photograph Anne, Steve, and their new pup, Gunther. They had recently saved this adorable drooling fella and hrre did great! 

There is a lot of travel going on with this couple. With Steve leaving for a few weeks in Germany, I'm glad we got some time to relax at Heritage Park, in Taylor. 

In case you missed their last session, a pretty fall day in Ann Arbor with their old pal, Dexter (you are missed!), you may view it here:

Thank you so much for choosing me to document your story throughout the years! Here is the preview of our day:

Carle and Mojo

Grand Rapids, MI
Doggy Session

I was honored to document these best friends the other day in downtown Grand Rapids. I am wishing my friend, Carle, strength, light, and love while she is going through this last phase with Mojo. They have been together for quite a while, through all of life's ups and downs and all sorts of adventures. 

I will be praying for you, dearie.
I hope these photos capture the connection and friendship that you two have shared. 

Ann Arbor - O’Connor

Steve, Anne, and Dexter! Ann Arbor, MI

I can't believe Anne and Steve have been married for twelve years!! Holy cow, time flies. It feels like college was yesterday. Good times at Jobo's and Bailey's, and all that Dearborn has to offer! I was so glad to photograph this session. They warned me that they haven't taken professional photographs in twelve years-- and they are such naturals! I kinda wish I knew what Steve was saying to Anne to make her laugh like that...

Dexter just had surgery, poor guy. He was a trooper, though! What a great family, those O'Connors.

Enjoy the preview!