Kozlowicz Family Session

Grand Rapids, MI Monday evening, hanging out with the Kozlowicz  Family, was a wonderful start to the week! Documenting these four (six, if you include the two doggies, who were very curious about this photographer), had me chuckling most of the time. Liz is our librarian over in Caledonia, so, naturally, we had to get in our reading time! I am in    Kiwanis Club (a charity organization for kids) with this funny lady, and I was so excited to meet the family that I've heard so much about!

I entered as Sam, four years old, was eating, and was very proud of himself for eating that much. Ellie, nine months, was just staring me down and pondering about life.  I followed them around the house, documenting Kozlowicz  life. They were just doing what they do, and then- we heard a raucous back in the kitchen... The dogs had gotten up and ate the rest of the sausage that was on the table. Both dogs were short and squat, so you can imagine the ordeal they had to go through to do this. It was great.

The laughter carried over into the family room, where this family spends most of their time. The couch had become the setting for all music playing, dancing, reading, funny voices, and laughter. It was nice to peek into the life of this adorable family. Thanks for letting me capture your story!

Enjoy the preview!

Downtown Farmington Engagement- Milissa and Ryan

Downtown Farmington, MI

Congratulations to Milissa and Ryan! We met downtown Farmington and just strolled around for this comfy cozy engagement session. It was a very calm and peaceful night. These two truly made the night, with all of Milissa's giggles! I have no idea what Ryan was saying to her, but her laugh is awesome. Adorable. I hope that will continue on October 10th, the big day!!

These two met in orchestra class in high school. They have been together for 10-11 years. Ryan proposed on Halloween, with a ring IN the pumpkin! How cool is that?!!

Milissa and Ryan were so laid back, fun, and natural. I can't wait for the wedding! Here's a preview of the engagement session:

Movie Date Engagement Session- Amy and David

Grand Rapids, MI

Ooooh, I can't wait for this wedding in August!! Amy and David are so super warm, friendly, funny, and laid back! They let me tag along with them to the movies! What a cool session. This is an idea of their date night... and how much they laugh. Amazing.

The two met through mutual friends and have been together for seven years. Always the fun and active couple, their first date was building a snowman and snowboarding, which both of them still love to do. David proposed on a trip to Mackinaw Island, among friends. He set up the travel guide, biking, and tour. Amy remembers being awed by the beauty around her and taking a picture while David was talking. He completely took her by surprise. Well done.

Here are some samples of their date night. Enjoy!